From Toddling To Turning Wrenches: Tips From A Car Fanatic

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Exploring the Country in a Rental Van: An Enriching Journey Awaits

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Traveling the country in a rented van offers unparalleled freedom. It’s an opportunity to chart one’s own course, free from the constraints of timetables and tour guides. This flexibility allows for spontaneous detours to unanticipated destinations, enriching the journey with unexpected discoveries. The Comforts of a Home on Wheels A rental van serves as a cozy home on wheels, providing comfort and convenience during the trip. It’s equipped with essential amenities — a comfortable bed to rest after a long day of exploring, a kitchenette to whip up delicious meals on the go, and a cozy seating area to relax and unwind. Read More»

Six Things You Shouldn't Assume About Your Brakes

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Brakes are one of the most important components of your vehicle when it comes to ensuring safety. That’s why vehicle owners need to be properly informed when it comes to brake repair. The following are six things you shouldn’t assume about your brakes.  Squeaky brakes just need to be lubricated. Some drivers don’t realize that squeaky brakes are a sign of brake malfunctions and not just a sign of inadequate lubrication. Read More»

How And Why To Donate A Car To A Veteran Charity

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You can find around 19 million veterans in this country. Some veterans are healthy and live normal lives, but many have physical or emotional injuries they’re dealing with from serving in the military. These veterans served this country to hold onto the freedom it offers, and because of that, people honor veterans. If you want to honor the veterans in this country, you can do so in many ways. For example, did you know that one option is to donate a car to a veteran charity? Read More»

4 Things To Look For In The Best 4X4 Recovery Service

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An off-road vehicle allows you to go further and see more. You can explore safely and comfortably in a 4X4 and get more thrill out of your expeditions. In some situations, the rugged environment might be too much to handle for your off-road vehicle and you need 4x4 recovery. If you love off-roading, you need to have an off-road recovery service in your area on speed dial. These recovery services get you out of tight situations to guarantee your safety and that of the vehicle. Read More»

Five Tips To Prevent Winter Damage On Your Car

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Winter can be hard on the paint finish and exposed paint on your car. Fortunately, there are things you can do to prevent winter damage so your car looks like new once spring arrives. 1. Wash Often It may seem pointless to wash your car during the winter when the roads are wet and grimy, but prompt removal of salt and chemical ice melts reduces the chances of rust and corrosion. Read More»

3 Reasons Your Radio Ads Are Terrible—And Why They Don't Have to Be

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“Come on down!” os a typical call to action for an automotive dealership spot on local radio—and the unfortunate truth is that most potential buyers have already tuned out at this point. In a perfect world, advertising would simply need to present information to consumers in a clear and concise way, but the reality isn’t so neat. Instead, advertising needs to vie with the ten thousand other distractions that every potential customer faces while still making your brand and message clear. Read More»

3 Ways To Attract More Customers To Your Flatbed Trucking Business

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If you’re like most business owners, you are always looking for ways to attract new customers to your service offerings. Here are just a few effective things you can do to drive more business to your flatbed trucking company and better stay ahead of the competition. 1. Offer Referral Perks Word-of-mouth advertising is free and effective, so your flatbed trucking company should take advantage of it as often as possible. One great way to generate word-of-mouth advertising for your business is to offer your current customers referral perks. Read More»

How Can You Reduce The Costs Of A Major Auto Repair?

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Getting your car diagnosed with a major repair need is something that you probably need some time to budget for. After all, not many people have a spare $5,000 in their checking account. It may be possible to reduce the costs of a major repair; read on to find out how. Consider Incremental Repairs Are you sure your car really needs that major repair right now, or is that more of a preventative measure? Read More»

Nearest? Cheapest? What Factors Do You Use To Find An Auto Repair Shop?

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There may be many good options for auto repair shops in your area, so it can be difficult to say that any one factor matters more than the others when choosing a shop. But basing your decision on any one factor is bound to leave out some important information. Here are some issues that come along with each factor, and suggestions for balancing your choice out by considering a second factor as well. Read More»

Signs That Indicate That Your Tires Are Not Properly Aligned

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The tires of your vehicle need a little more attention than just making sure that they are not flat. You need to keep an eye out for the need for them to be aligned by a mechanic or tire shop. The sooner you spot such an issue, the less likely you will find yourself facing too many additional problems. Simply take a moment to review the following signs so you will know exactly what to look for. Read More»